Tips for Beginner Investors
The video to the right, while targeted at individuals in their 20's, does a fantastic job of taking people of all ages who are becoming more interested in investing through key tips and ways to invest your money. Dan Lok does a great job at breaking down the large concept of investing into smaller main topics, which are summarized below:
Increase your Income - By increasing your income you'll have more free capital / money available to start investing. The best way to increase your income is to "invest in yourself", which means to develop new skills that relate to either your current profession or areas of interest to you. Developing new skills or even expanding your social network are fantastic ways of investing in yourself that will increase your value and in turn create you more income.
Focus on the 3 Main Investments - These are: Businesses, Stocks, and Real Estate. The majority of wealthy people throughout the world today have either created their wealth through these 3 main types of investments or they are currently holding their wealth in them. A good way to get started investing in either Businesses, Stocks, or Real Estate is to study what wealthy individuals are currently putting their money in and how they are doing so. On top of that, you want to really have an understanding of the category you are planning on investing in before you actually start investing money, because nothing is worse than placing your money in something you don't understand.
Understand the 3 Life Financial Plans - These are: Get Rich Certain, Get Rich Smart, and Get Rich Fast.
- Get Rich Certain: This financial plan is a long-term, 30-40 year plan that involves simply putting aside a percentage of your income every paycheck into a stock fund or retirement account. Over the span of 30-40 years, the power of compound interest, which can be seen better in our compound interest calculator, will turn the small amount of money you place aside each paycheck into a healthy stream of passive income that will be available to you later on when you are considering retirement.
- Get Rich Smart: This financial plan is a much more active financial plan that will require you to get more involved in your investments instead of just investing in index funds. Get Rich Smart involves you learning better investment tactics and being active with your money, instead of passively putting it away for 30-40 years, however the return on investment can be much higher in the long run, over a shortened timeframe of 10-20 years.
- Get Rich Fast: This financial plan is a 5-7 year plan. While this is a much shorter plan, it also takes many more skills than the other 2 plans as well as requires you to risk more of your money in exchange for the chance at much higher rewards. It requires much more focus and dedication than the other plans, however that doesn't mean you can't mix in the 30-40 year plan with this one as a safety net. Instead, it's recommended that you still save over 30-40 years so that you will win in the long run even if the Get Rich Fast 5-7 year plan doesn't pan out.
Keep It Simple - The goal of investment should be to keep it simple and don't make it more complicated than it has to be. Investing doesn't have to be a super interesting topic that you bring up with everyone you meet, instead it should be more of a boring, repetitive process that involves you winning financially in the long-run by growing your money of a longer time span.
Ways to Start Investing Your Money
1. An Emergency Fund - A great place to start investing your money is into an emergency fund if you don't already have money set aside for unexpected expenses. Having an emergency fund is important to have in order to protect yourself from unexpected expenses and leave you with peace of mind. For this reason, setting money aside for an emergency fund is a highly recommended way to start investing your money.
2. Pay Off Outstanding Debt - Another great way to spend extra money is to pay off any outstanding debt you currently have. This is a recommended way to spend your money because it will save you from paying large amounts of interest in the future over time. Instead if you can pay the debt of early on, you'll save money on interest that can instead be reinvested in other areas, such as retirement.
3. Retirement Accounts - One of the most important areas for investing your money is into retirement accounts to ensure you have enough money to retire when you want to. If you haven't opened a retirement account or starting saving for retirement, the earlier you start, the better.
4. Savings / Bonds - A safer way to invest your money is in savings accounts or bonds, however the return on your investment is much lower than some other investing methods, such as stocks.
5. Index Funds - This investment is a little more risky than putting your money in a savings account or in bonds, however the return on investment is much higher and on top of that it's less risky than just investing in a few stocks.
6. Individual Stocks - The riskier, but potentially more rewarding stock investment is to simply invest in individual stocks. You can make much more money investing in this option if the stock you invest in takes off, but you don't have the protection of a variety of stocks like you would with an index fund in this method, so the loss can be just as big as the gain.
7. Real Estate - Real Estate is another option for investing with good return on investment, however it takes more money to get started investing in than the other options depending on what type of real estate you are looking to start investing in.
Ultimate Stock Investing Guide
This Ultimate Stock Investing Guide by Ali Abdaal does a fantastic job of taking people just becoming interested in stock investing through its basics as well as thoroughly explaining the principles of stock investing in a way that everyone can understand. Below are links to different main topics discussed within Ali's video.
Retirement: Early Start
This Guide on How to Invest in Roth IRAs as a beginner in 2020 by Bruce Wang is a great resource. Bruce does an outstanding job of breaking down what a Roth IRA is and how to get started. Below you will find links to a number of different parts of his video that each talk about a different main topic of the video.
Retirement: Late Start
This video by Jazz Wealth Managers on laying out a sample retirement plan for people who are 50+ years old getting a late start on retirement savings does a good job of instilling hope for a future of retirement for those on the slower end of retirement saving. Below are links to the main points of this video: